Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Returning to Michigan

We have lived in Mexico City for more than a year now and it is time to go home. We will be returning to Michigan in just a few short weeks and once I do that I have to lose some of this weight I put on while in Mexico. The plan is to join Weight Watchers when I get back and to start blogging again on a regular basis but blogging weight watcher friendly food. At least for the first 3 to 4 months of being back.


whitneyingram said...

Good for you! Glad to hear you will be back in the good ol' U S of A.

I look forward to your Weight Watchers posts. And good luck with the program. It really does work.

Shayne said...

I hope it works for me it will be the first time to really diet for me and yes I am so excited about returning home

Katie Zeller said...

How sad that it's over...
How nice to be going back...
(Bummer about the weight thing - hope you had fun putting it on)
Safe trip back.

Maggie said...

I'll be checking in to see your WW suggestions since I have to jump back on that bandwagon as soon as I drop this baby. Lots of luck on your move!

Cynthia said...

Can't wait to have you back at the MLFB gatherings....not the same without you.

Shayne said...

thank you MK I am so looking forward to seeing all you my MLFB friendstoo

Anonymous said...

seriously will LOVE to see you again...can't wait - God Speed. :)

Shayne said...

would love to see you too, who ever you are.