Friday, January 4, 2008

Menu 1/4/08-1/10/08

My menu is oh so uninspired, so much so that I only came up with 3 things. I wanted to make some leg of lamb with my new clay pot that I got at IKEA yesterday for $14.99 but the store was out of lamb so I guess I am left with fishing through the deep freeze for what ever meat I have and trying out my new toy.

I am also going to make Roast Chicken, Chicken soup, and spaghetti. How is that for being original.

I am including a few photos I took on New years day after a night of beautiful snow fall.


winedeb said...

I love your new toy! I do not have one of those yet so you will have to let me know how you like it!
Beautiful snow photos! Peaceful looking!

Emily said...

Those are beautiful pictures. I love snow. (Just not driving in it)

We're in the middle of tornadoes & thunderstorms tonight. Ughh.