Last Saturday over a dozen Ann Arbor area food bloggers got together for an evening of conversation, good food, a little wine and a wonderful time. I loved every moment of it. It was nice to be surrounded by people that hold a lot of the same values and outlook on life as I do. Its not just the love of cooking but love of food and involvement, nutrition, bettering yourself, and those around you. I just got so much just from the energy that the group brought with them and then to listen to what people had to say or comments about goals and ambitions wow, a week later I am still a little shocked and speechless about how excited I am to have been a part of this evening and a part of this new clan. I never thought that starting a little blog about cooking would chance my life so much and bring such great people into it.

What is funny is i got so caught up in talking the only photos I took were the ones of the food when I first arrived. However, I am sure that some of the other ladies will post photos and you can find them here...
Everyone brought a dish to share and I chose to bring my Walnut Olive Oil Cake with reduced balsamic vinegar over sliced plumbs.
That sounds like fun! I wish I had some bloggers close to me.
Your cake sounds delicious and so Italian.
That cake was SO awesome! I am SO glad that you came out for the party :) And you are so right (what you said on my blog)--we can't wait til January to get together again :)
You know how much I, and another person you might know, loved the cake. I can't wait to make it. And it was great to talk to you and to see you. Hugs, my friend.
How fun to actually meet other bloggers in person. I have yet to manage that one, living out here in the middle of nowhere...
And I think your writing is interesting ;-))
hi- i'm new to your blog. i'm having fun reading all the posts about the dinner you guys had- i'm cooking up ideas of my own here... i also read the post under your newest, and just for the record, i'd be interested in reading about the woes of potty training your son as i am in the same boat! : )
love all the beautiful food here!
Emiline & Katiez- I bet if you look around you will find some bloggers in your area and some of them might even be food bloggers.
Patti & Warda - I am so happy that you both liked my cake.
Mandi - Welcome to my place.
How fun! We're having a big blogger BBQ bash at our place next month. I really wish you were closer, because you would be at the top of our list!
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