There was a time when I thought I hated steak. If I had it I would order it well done and when I would try to eat it, I felt as if I were gnawing on a shoe. Steak, YUCK! Then one day, by chance, I had prime rib medium rare. It was not what I had ordered but I was traveling for work and in mixed company so I bit my tongue and ate my bloody meat. I took my first bit and could not believe what my mouth was telling me. Could this be? Was this…Steak? I learned that day that beef was good, now I admit that I still only eat steak 3 or 4 times a year but when I do make one I enjoy it. However, I am only able to eat a few ounces. The steak pictured here was more then enough to feed our family of 4

I simply season the steak with salt and pepper and just a touch of olive oil. I get my grill popping hot and sear the steak for 4 minutes on each side and then let it set covered for about 10 minutes. This almost always gives me the perfect pink, tender, juicy and flavorful.

I admit I do enjoy many other things on the grill such as corn, still in its husk, soaked in water and placed on the grill. Asparagus tossed in olive oil with course salt, pepper and rosemary; onions cut in half and charred to sweet perfection and roasted peppers simply placed over the flames of the coals until blackened on all sides and placed in a sealed bowl until the skin becomes loose and easy to pull off. This all makes for a wonderful dinner.
I have also found that adding blue cheese to a nice steak is a wonderful complement to each other. Below is a steak I made for my Birthday in April.

A good steak is always welcome. But I tried it with blue cheese once and I didn't like it. The cheese was too overpowering. Why do you soak you corn?
yes too much blue cheese or the blue cheese sauces that you get at restaurants can be a little over powering.
I soak the corn so that it has a chance to steam in the husk before the kernels gets too chared. I often grill on coals that are very hot and burning the corn can be a real possibility.
That rib steak is a prime cut and it's grilled perfectly.
I think the steak looks so good. I'm like you - I only eat small portions of it. That's probably a good thing, right?
Same goes for other meats and fish. Except fried chicken.
Peter - Only the best if I am going to do it.
Emiline - Thank you and yes I think limiting saturated fat is a smart move and I sould be more like you with other meats.
My wife also used to think she hated steak, but that was because her only prior experience was shoe sole style steak. Glad you enjoyed this--it looks delicious!
Looks like you are enjoying summer by the looks of this meal!
Thanks for the kind note. I will be back soon! Hope all is well your way!
Wow, that fed your family? That's actually really awesome! You really don't need that much red meat and you cooked it perfectly!
Todd grew up on a cattle ranch, so he loooves his steak! But I'm not sure he's willing to share his piece with a family of 4! ;)
Truth be told that is a 1 pound steak and my son HATE meat so he only got one pc so it is a perfact size for us. We try to eat a very little meat and often have meatless meals; however, I could never be a vegetarian because meat adds so much flavor to so many things. Everything on moderation.
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