My Daughter and I were going to go to the Nutcracker together a few weeks before Christmas and I asked my Hubby to take some photos of us. This Photo is one of the better ones. I do not understand how a person can take 32 photos of something and have this as one of the better pictures. This is why there are next to no pictures of me and the ones I do have my Daughter took of me when she was 3. I am not lying people my 3 year old daughter can take better pictures than my 30 year old husband.
I have to say I am really bummed that the photos of DD and I are so bad.
What kind of camera are you using, if I may ask? I've found that, given some decent equipment, the photos just don't turn out that poorly ... unless you're trying to be creative, in which case ... well, you're still learning.
It is a Cannon Power Shot SD 500. I have no issues taking great pictures with it, I use it for my food pictures. I have no he just holds the camera out and starts clicking and to do that he has to turn the flash off so he is moving and walking and he just can't take a picture because he is not trying. OK now I am starting to get POed at him so I will stop now.
Use the timer and take your own---easier than trying to teach the hubby!
Katie - you are so right!
OK, not going to touch that. ;) Good luck in the training procedure. :)
Just a bit more training and he will have it! You two look very happy and about to have lots of fun!
Thank you Deb, I have been working on the picture taking with him for 8 years. Not Gana happin!
I agree.. use a timer :)
I had a friend like that, only his excuse was that his hands were always shakey. Hubby and I could never rely on him for a decent photo.
You and DD still look adorable :)
I'm the main picture taker in our family. Three other extended family members went out and purchased the same camera and they complain about not getting pictures like mine. That tells you that it is the person behind the camera sometimes...not the camera in question. I'll never understand it?!
You should ask me to take your pictures!
:) A
This post made me laugh so very much, because I suffer from the same puzzlement! It is very funny,very! I came to your blog following your comment in nami-nami. I will stick around!
Thank you Mariajaan, I would read your blog too but I don't know spanish...that is spanish, right.
Good for people to know.
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