+The Cream+

Making the pie was a 2 day event. The kids and I started the cream Sunday night (10/7/07) we separated eggs, mixed milk, and cooked cream. DS was so cute stirring the cream on the stove and protested greatly when he had to give up his turn; however, he had positioned his chair just in the spot where he could easily get out off the "cool" cooking tools and play with them. while DD was ladling the cream into the ramekins I look over the see DS playing swards with my large off set spatula and the tongs...he was having a blast.
DD had made Creme Patisserie with Daddy before so she had a good idea of what she was doing. She was the one that checked to see if the creme coated the spoon, dipping it into the cream and blowing on it to cool it enough to run her finger through it straight to her mouth in one quick swoop only to say a few more seconds mom and then she would test it again. DD then was so excited to be able to ladle the cream into the ramekins with her measuring cup. She told me at bed time that ladling the cream was her favorite part of the day.
The cream is now in the refrigerate waiting for us to make the cake tomorrow morning.
+The Cake+
At first the kids did not want to make the cake, they were too busy laying in bed reading books. Once I got the ingredients out and started juicing the Lemons they were at my side. DD whipped the egg white, that is a great job for her, and DS played drums on the counter with the measuring cups.
DD wanted to put on the chocolate sauce from the start and often asked when she could do it.
In the end the kids did not eat the Pie and DH and I did not find it very good. I have a better Chiffon cake recipe that I got off of the Barmy Baker Blog, and my husband makes a Creme Patisserie with milk and if I am going to go to all the trouble to make this I would make a real chocolate ganache. Great Idea, just needs some work.