this is the best known building of the Calixtlahuaca. It is a large four-stage circular pyramid dedicated to the Aztec wind god Ehecatl and did house a live size sculpture of Ehecatl.
This was spectacular to climb up and a rush to try to help 2 small children back down the very high, very steel steps that are on the far side of the pyramid.

This was first thought to be the school but was later determined that this was the palace do to structure is exactly the palace standards of known aztec palaces. The Palace is located farther down the small volcano, Cerro Tenismo, then the other two structures.

becasue we did not have a car for the first couple of weeks we were in Toluca the Hotel that we were staying at organized a Hotel Taxi to take up out to visit the Calixtlahuaca. He was an older man that did not speak English, we were able to communicate thought a little Spanish and hand gestures and he got us to the site. He joined us while we walked through and on the ancient buildings, climbing high on them and helping my daughter back down. as a matter of fact my daughter held his hand almost the entire trip. Come to find out it was his first trip to the Calixtlahuaca also and I think he may have enjoyed it more then we did. Here they are, with my hubby and son, going down the lowest structure...

for more information please visit some of these interesting sites:
Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies
Calixtlahuaca Archaeological Project
Maping of the Aztec-period city of Calixtlahuaca